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Apple Lawyer Points Out Epic Games Store Top 20 Has 25 Games

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Image for article titled Apple Lawyer Points Out Epic Games Store Top 20 Has 25 Games
Screenshot: Epic / Kotaku

During Apple’s cross-examination of Steven Allison, general manager of the Epic Games Store, Apple’s lawyer walked all assembled, piece by piece, through the Epic Games Store. Alongside saying game titles like Warframe and Necromunda: Hired Gun like they’re normal human words, Apple’s lawyer also pointed out a glaring, perhaps even fatal, discrepancy on the store.

Instructing all assembled to follow along as she examined the store’s top sellers, Apple’s lawyer factually stated that “If you go to ‘view more’ it says top 20” before unleashing the denouement: “I don’t know if you know this, but there’s actually 25 under the top 20.”



