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Ape Escape Swinging To The PS3 For More Monkey Pants Nabbing?

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What will the power of the PlayStation 3 add to the monkey-catching and pants-vacuuming gameplay of the lovable Ape Escape series? Way more monkeys with flashing lights on their heads, according to new art released to promote the series.

The "official Twitter page for, which is the official website for Ape Escape" has been teasing a new Ape Escape game all week, tweeting that a new PS3 game is due later this year. Oh, and that "'Ape Escape PS3' may be the best game so far for PS3 Move." Apparently that cat's out of the bag?

In other clues, the Ape Escape ministry of information claims "If you loved 'Piposaru 2001' you'll love Ape Escape PS3," potentially referencing the monkey shorts-stealing gameplay of that Japan-only PlayStation 2 game.


The game—which is "not 'Ape Escape 4'"—could be on Sony's list of titles that it plans to highlight at next months' E3 expo. If it's PlayStation Move-enabled, we're guessing it's going to get some attention.