There's a war going on at the moment in the land of Valkyia Chronicles. Not between the Imperials and the Gallians, though. It's between Japanese toy companies, over who can come up with the best Selvaria figure.
We've seen Enterbrain's entry, and it's a good one. This is figure company Alter's. While the prototype figure pictured is yet to pick up an official release date or price, we do know it'll feature interchangeable weapons and hands, Selvaria's lance and shield able to be swapped out.
As usual, you have to admire the dedication of the guys taking the photos (in this case, moeyo). Always willing to get in there and get the super close shots.
アルター「戦場のヴァルキュリア セルベリア・ブレス ヴァルキュリアVer.」無彩色サンプル 【メガホビ2010冬レポ】 [moeyo, via Tomopop]