Originally scheduled for this April, Tokyo Babylon 2021 was delayed last December after the anime had apparently based character designs on a promotional photo of K-pop star Yeri from Red Velvet as well as another source without permission. Now, it’s been announced the anime will be canceled, with plans to start again anew.
Tokyo Babylon 2021 is based on Clamp’s original manga, and studio Go Hands was doing the now-canned anime version.
An announcement on the show’s official site states that after an official internal review, “a large number” of examples of plagiarism were also found in addition to the previously reported two. It was then decided that continuing with the anime as is would be impossible, and the project will get a completely new restart with the goal of releasing it as soon as possible. The announcement included an apology as well.
The anime’s official website, Twitter, and Instagram will also be deleted as of April 30.