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Animal Crossing Patch Adds Nothing, But Fixes...Cloud Formations?

Nintendo's fix for the Switch life sim addresses something I definitely would have noticed on my own

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A screenshot of Animal Crossing: New Horizons featuring clouds.
Behold: CLOUDS!
Screenshot: Nintendo

The latest Animal Crossing: New Horizons patch is here and it fixes *checks notes* clouds?

Apparently, clouds weren’t appearing in summer, which obviously had to be rectified immediately. The latest 1.11.1 patch from August 10, details, “Fixed a bug where clouds did not appear in some seasons,” as roughly translated from Japanese via Google.


The patch fixes bugs from one of Animal Crossing’s larger seasonal updates, which came out at the end of July. That added the usual summer events and added seasonal items to the game, such as, uh, cucumbers and eggplants. More free content is also planned for later this year.


As usual, you’ll need to update your game before playing online with others. But why wouldn’t you immediately want to fix this egregious cloud error? Surely this is a top priority for all new Horizons players, is it not?


Or maybe you didn’t even realize the lack of clouds since the update and assumed the Animal Crossing gods have been gracing you with clear, sunny weather. Well, they’re not.

The update also fixes other relatively minor issues, including a color variation bug that you would only come across if trying to take photos in Harvey’s island studio and the ordering DIY recipes.


Full patch notes, translated from Japanese, are as follows:

  • Fixed a bug that the order was not correct when rearranging in “Obtained order” in the “DIY recipe” app.
  • Fixed a bug where the color variations of certain items were not displayed in the catalog at the shooting studio of “Panny Island.” (Note: This likely refers to Harvey’s studio on Photopia.)
  • Fixed a bug that the closing BGM of “Tanuki Shoten” did not flow.
  • Fixed a bug where clouds did not appear in some seasons.
  • Local communication is not compatible with Ver. 1.11.0 or earlier. Make sure you have the same version of the update data with the people you play with.