Typically, big companies batch their announcements. Maybe that’s by way of a digital showcase, or issuing a press release. In those long-ago, very precedented times, it could even involve shuffling hundreds of folks into an auditorium where they might catch a glimpse of Keanu Reeves. Today, Sony used a different method, dropping a series of announcements via one slow burn drip feed over its social media channels, essentially guaranteeing games journalists around the globe would stay glued to the [at sign]PlayStation pages for several hours. Thanks, guys. Good times. Here’s everything that was announced.
Oxenfree II is coming to PlayStation.
Oxenfree II: Lost Signals, the follow-up to 2016’s popular narrative-focused adventure game, is coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. It was previously only confirmed for Switch and PC. No release date yet.
Axiom Verge 2 will feature a dimension-shift mechanic.
Like Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2, Sayonara Wild Hearts, and more, Axiom Verge 2 will feature a mechanic that allows you to instantly phase between two versions of the same level. In other words, dimension shifting! I’m a huge sucker for this sort of thing, so this game has suddenly rocketed right onto my radar.
Crafting game Wytchwood is coming out this fall.
Wytchwood, no affiliation with the maple syrup company, is a crafting game boasting some cozy visuals along the lines of this year’s The Wild at Heart. The whole thing reeks of autumnal hygge, really. It’ll be available on PC, PS4, and PS5 some time this fall.
PlatinumGames is making a sequel to Terra Cresta and Moon Cresta.
It’s called Sol Cresta, and yes, it really is a follow-up to a game from 1985—and looks like a game from that era, too. PlatinumGames didn’t share a release date, but when it does eventually come out, it’ll do so on PC, Switch, and PS4.
A Short Hike is coming to PlayStation.
Twee exploration game A Short Hike has been available on Switch and PC for some time. Later this year, it’s coming to PS4 too, albeit at an unspecified date. Many who’ve played sing its praises, but I’ve yet to check it out. Maybe then’s the time...
Carrion too.
Carrion, a side-scrolling horror game in which you play a ravenous, human-devouring monster, is also coming to PS4 later this year at an unspecified date. It was previously only available on Switch, PC, and Xbox One. Kotaku’s John Walker got a kick out of it.
Yup, Hades is still coming to PS4 and PS5.
Supergiant’s god-like roguelike launches on PlayStation and Xbox consoles next week, as previously announced. Today’s announcement comes alongside a retrospective blog post written by Greg Kasavin, who’s often thoughtful about this stuff. If you’re into the game, it’s good reading. If not, well, wait what you’re not into Hades?!