Hello, Kotaku! It's almost the weekend, and that is just groovy by me. I hope you've had a good thursday, and are ready to get your open thread on. It's gonna be hot! So hot!
Here are some things for you to read and maybe gab about.
- "The State Home for Manic PIxie Dream Girls" - Haaaaaaaaaaaa
- Sitting down will kill you - Awesome, good thing I sit literally all day every day.
- Ron Swanson reads tweets from young female celebrities - Dear god, this is great.
- Here's Michael Brecker killing it on "Timeline" - This was playing in the cafe I was in today, and while I didn't get to post it in Kotaku Melodic, I thought I'd put it here. MOAR JAZZ
- Guess the Moneyball guy isn't going to direct the next Hunger Games - Aah, well. I'm sure the other dude is fine, too.
- Rom-Com's segregation problem - A good one from O'Hehir, as usual.
And that's that. Have good open threading.