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A Slim Chance for a Free Copy of Mighty Switch Force, an Excellent Chance at the Soundtrack

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Yesterday Wayforward Technologies unleashed the majesty of Mighty Switch Force upon the Nintendo 3DS eShop, and while I only have a grand total of three codes to give away for the game, the wonderfully funky soundtrack is now available as a free download.

Game composer and sound designer Jake Kaufman dropped us a line earlier this morning to let us know that Wayforward is letting him give away the soundtrack for their latest bit of 2D excellence for free via Bandcamp (though donations are welcome). It's 23 tracks making up an album Kaufman describes as "A free album full of space disco, accompanying girls washing cars in short shorts, maybe the sweetest downloadable 3DS game yet, and certainly our funkiest soundtrack ever."

I've been listening to it all morning. You must have it.

As for Mighty Switch Force the game, it's lovely as well. It's one of the best little platforming shooters available in the eShop, even if they named the law-enforcing main character Patty Wagon. I highly suggest you pick it up, if you aren't one of the lucky three that snags one of these:


Do be a doll and note your snagging in comments when you're done.

Mighty Switch Force OST [Bandcamp]
