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To: Luke
From: Owen
Re: Nobody Knows Good Pasta Like Stephen Totilo Does (Photo Proof!)

Alright. I'm out of here. It's almost July and I have a cold. Tell me how that happens. I have to rest up because tonight I am "on the radio." It's a comedy gig. The person who conscripted me said, "You can say anything you want, you can get drunk, we don't care." That means it's Internet radio, so, not even the truckers will be listening. But for anyone who wants to tune in and listen to me swear and embarrass myself, it'll be from 11 pm to 1 am Crecente time tonight. The sites are or, where, I shit you not, Postal 2 is a sponsor (on fccfree, anyway). The episodes are archived in podcast form too.


However, if you are in San Francisco or Los Angeles, it's 87.9 FM on your dial — which leads me to believe this is something broadcast using a college dorm radiator. Oh, also, if you are in Berlin, 104.8 FM, but this'll be about 5 am local time, I think. And everyone there is still in mourning over Euro 2008.


Some highlights today:

Mario Marathon Raises More than $10,000
Microsoft Poll: One of Five Canadian Men Game in the Nude
Blizzard Worldwide Invitational: “There Is No Penguin Level.”
Is That a 360 Devkit on Kojima's Desk?
Preserving Our History: Good Games Never Go Out of Style


Plus a ton of Diablo III coverage.