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Your Guide To This Year's E3 Press Conference Schedule

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E3 2015 doesn’t officially start until Tuesday, but the publisher press conferences start tonight, which means it’s time for all sorts of surprises, reveals, and potential megatons. Get ready.

Over the next few days it’s likely we’ll see Fallout 4, Halo 5, Uncharted 4, Star Ocean 5, and a ton of other video games that exclusively end in 4 or 5. Because there are press conferences. SO MANY press conferences. No fewer than seven major publishers are hosting their own pressers at this year’s annual video game extravaganza, which means we’re in for a solid three days full of news, surprises, and hilariously awkward marketing buzzwords.

Twitter user Cheesemeister3k has created this helpful chart—republished here with his permission—that will let you keep track of all the pressers no matter where you live:

Let’s break’em down.

Bethesda - Sunday, June 14 - 7pm Pacific

This is Bethesda’s first-ever E3 press conference, and it’s likely they’ll steal the show. They’ve got a lot of unannounced stuff that might pop up—like a Dishonored sequel and Arkane Austin’s Prey 2—but there’s only one hotly-anticipated game that has been dominating everyone’s minds for years and years now: Battlecry.


(Also some apocalypse thing or whatever.)

Microsoft - Monday, June 15 - 9:30am Pacific

Feels like we might see some Halo here? Just spitballing. The big M has plenty to talk about, including the Xbox-exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider and first-party games like the new Gears and Rare’s secret project. They’ll also “announce” the Gears 1 remake. Maybe we’ll even see Usher.


Electronic Arts - Monday, June 15 - 1pm Pacific

Lots of potential showcases coming from Team Electronic Arts this year, including Star Wars Battlefront, the next Mass Effect, and Mirror’s Edge 2. We can also expect a solid 10-20 minutes of sports, although they may want to play down the FIFA a bit this time around.


Ubisoft - Monday, June 15 - 3pm Pacific

Ubisoft’s presser this year will likely include The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, and no fewer than 4,000 different Assassin’s Creed games, all slated for 2015. We’re keeping an eye out for something called Hero, too.


Sony - Monday, June 15 - 6pm Pacific

In addition to Uncharted 4, a ton of indies, and maybe some reveals from first-party studios like Killzone developer Guerrilla Games, this will be the conference where Sony finally assures us that yes, The Last Guardian is still in development, and more information will be revealed soon.




Nintendo - Tuesday, June 16 - 9am Pacific

Just like last year, Nintendo is ditching the stage theatrics for a pre-recorded digital show that will delve into their lineups for 3DS and Wii U over the next year or two. Don’t expect much Zelda talk, though. Still no word on the Wii Vitality Sensor.


Square Enix - Tuesday, June 16 - 10am Pacific

This one will be interesting, because it’s been a very long time since we saw Square put on their own E3 conference, and they’ve got a lot to prove. We’re expecting to see a lot of the new Deus Ex and Tomb Raider, plus a dash of FFXV and maybe some other surprises from their Japanese developers. You know what would be funny? If they spent a bunch of time building up a big Final Fantasy VII PS4 reveal but then it turned out to be a port of the PC version. LOL.


You can reach the author of this post at or on Twitter at @jasonschreier. Photo of Microsoft’s 2014 E3 press conference by Casey Rodgers| Inversion.