![Image for article titled A Leviathan Might Crush You In Apex Legends Season 2 [Updated]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/kkexcbq29f25p2rthsty.jpg)
Apex Legends developer Respawn released a Season 2 trailer today, in which we get to see upcoming new character Wattson and an EMP exploding in Kings Canyon. Leaked trailers on Reddit, one of which has now been officially released by Respawn, reveal even more changes coming to the game when Season 2 launches on July 2.
(Update 3:56pm—Both trailers have now been officially released by Respawn.)
Over the last month, Respawn and publisher EA have shared pieces of the information that appeared in the now-official and the leaked trailer. Flyers, a Season 2 dragon-like beast, were hinted at during E3’s EA Play and appeared in the game about a week later. Since then, Respawn has shared some of the other Season 2 additions, like a new weapon, new hop-ups, and changes to airdrops.
The officially-released trailer is animated and narrative-focused, showing familiar faces like Mirage, Bangalore, and Octane fighting it out. Midway through the trailer, an EMP goes off, and we see upcoming character Wattson react to it. The EMP topples a large tower, and we see Wattson shock a downed Octane to revive him. A horde of flyers appears and we then see a leviathan, which usually stands in the water off the game’s island, stomping across the map.
The leak on Reddit contains this trailer as well as another one. The second trailer, which Respawn has not released but which a producer at Respawn acknowledged on Twitter, appears to have been filmed in-game and shows the effects of the EMP explosion, with some areas of Kings Canyon destroyed while others have gotten new structures or sprouted greenery.
The leaked trailer also shows a closer look at Wattson’s powers. Wattson and her abilities were revealed at EA Play: She can place an electric fence that damages enemies, and her ultimate is a defensive pylon that recharges her and her team’s shields and blocks grenades. In the leaked trailer, we see her powers in action. We get to see how her electric fence damages an enemy who slides through it, and that she can place fences of different sizes. What appears to be a finishing move shows an electrified Gibraltar exploding when Wattson touches him.
We also see a few new battle pass weapon and character skins, an emote players can perform while skydiving, and the badges for the upcoming ranked mode along with their tier names: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Apex Predator.
Apex Legends’ Season 1 battle pass felt a little underwhelming, and while it’s unclear if the new rewards in Season 2 will be more exciting, skydiving emotes sound pretty fun to me. I’m ready for some map changes, especially after being spoiled-slash-overwhelmed by how frequently Fortnite changes. In the leaked trailer we see a flyer in a cage, and I’m excited to find out if I can unleash it to fight on my side or just forget it’s there and get the crap scared out of me. We’ll find out next week when Season 2 launches.