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A Kotaku 5-Player: Will the VGAs Announce a Flash Game? Or Wonder Woman?

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As news goes, the Video Game Awards are more about the future games they will tease than the existing ones they honor. Kotaku will be in Los Angeles on Friday covering the gala. Here is an internal chatroom discussion among Stephen Totilo, Luke Plunkett, Mike Fahey, Kirk Hamilton and yours truly as we try to pin down the most expected unexpected announcement of the evening.

Stephen T.
so I'm speculating but I must say that I love my theory that Rocksteady will debut their new game during the VGAs

Stephen T.
Geoff [Keighley] lines up tons of WBIE exclusives for each show, he got Arkham City in 2009 and I think again in 2010. Rocksteady HAS to be due for a new game in 2013...


Fahey M.
Justice League

Luke P.

Fahey M.
video game poison!

Owen G.

Fahey M.
Ecco the Dolphin: Now There's a Guy

Stephen T.
There is a Superman movie coming out in the summer....


Luke P.

Owen G.
What was it that tipster said

Owen G.
Red Dead Rebellion gets a trailer?

Kirk H.
I know it was debunked but I still want Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Fahey M.
It would not be Superman?

I am 1,000 percent sure.

Stephen T.
yeah, I think it'd be Worlds' Finest, at most

Luke P.
tmnt is dead

Fahey M.
Mmmm, World's Finest. That would be lovely.

Luke P.
The Flash

its an iOS runner game

Owen G.

Fahey M.
TMNT will get a Wayforward platformer tied to the new TV show

Stephen T.
"A rumor swirling around a few weeks ago pegged Rocksteady Games as the developers on a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. Rocksteady chief Sefton Hill told Kotaku that, while the rumor was amusing, they're doing no such thing."


Kirk H.
yeah I remember

Luke P.
why dont you think superman?

Fahey M.
The only way a Superman video game would ever work is if it were based on Krypton and he stole cars.


Owen G.

Luke P.
same arkham engine, gameplay built around saving others instead of taking damage, until you reach enemies using kryptonite. easy


Fahey M.
Right. So he can bust through walls?

Punch down mountains?

Owen G.
Exactly. It's a game about limiting the unlimitable in a believable way

Fahey M.
No one wants to play Superman with his powers shackled.

Luke P.
its less a matter of how accurately they can portray him

and more that, hey, WB has a superman movie coming out

Luke P.
these guys have a rep for DC games

lets do superman

Fahey M.
They'll do a mobile game

Fahey M.
Maybe something downloadable

But there isn't going to be a full movie-based Superman game

Luke P.
it wont be movie-based

arkham wasn't movie based

Stephen T.
not sure. a Flash game would be totally workable and it's a bummer no one has made it.


Kirk H.
flash would be amazing

Luke P.
cos games need to make money, and nobody cares about the flash

Kirk H.
mirror's edge + bullet time + arkham brawling

Owen G.
as a console game? my limited imagination is getting into the way

i see flash more as brawling + fast travel

Fahey M.
Flash don't Arkham brawl.

Kirk H.
I just mean like cool fighting

Fahey M.
He's punching people 20 times on his way to the donut shop

Kirk H.
I just meant they have a good fighting system they could use!

Fahey M.
He likes donuts.

Luke P.
which is why it'll be superman

Luke P.
he tones it down and incapcitates dudes

Fahey M.
I bet it's Arrow.

They are pushing the fudge out of Green Arrow lately.

Owen G.
Green Fucking Arrow?

Luke P.
no way
for a studio with that rep
its either justice league or superman
anything else is a step down


Fahey M.
Wonder Woman!

Luke P.
that could work

Fahey M.
Now I want that game. v.v

Kirk H.
still remember when they were talking about that new wonder woman movie. wonder if they'll ever make it


I liked the idea of a joss wonder woman with Morena Baccarin but it could've been a total disaster too

Owen G.
i have a screenplay treatment written up about the Flash, rebooting him as a rodeo performer living in Idaho, if anyone wants to read it


Kirk H. has left the room
Fahey M. has left the room
Stephen T. has left the room
Luke P. has left the room