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A Hand Drawn RPG With Great Boss Fights

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Lucah looks like it leapt right off a chalkboard, with a distinct hand drawn style somewhere between wild scribblings and hallucinations. It mixes tense combat and exploration into a wild action-RPG.

Created by melessthanthree, Lucah takes place in a dream world full of monsters. The player takes the role of Lucah, a young adventurer seeking to escape an onslaught of monsters. It only has a demo right now, which you can play on PC and Mac, but its hellish world is already among the most memorable I’ve ever explored.

Kotaku Weekly Indie: Lucah

While much of the combat plays out like a normal third person action game, Lucah has a few features that alter the pace. The player slowly gains access to different elemental mantras that change their attacks. For example, the Aero mantra adds a small ranged effect to attacks that allows the player to attack from the edge of an enemy’s range. A rewind power gives players a second shot at battles if things go downhill. Magical familiars accompany the player and fire projectiles on cue, while charged attacks can engulf an area in a powerful explosive blast. Mixing and matching magical skills and elemental affinities helps players find a unique fighting style.

Lucah isn’t quite a Souls-like but captures the genre’s sense of exploring a harsh world. The game’s nightmare dreamscape loops around on itself, requiring keys and special items to proceed. You’ll sneak off to side chambers to find lore entries and battle massive bosses to unlock the next area. A “Sin and Punishment” system allows the player to determine just how harsh the world is, allowing them toggle options that change enemy strength and make mistakes more costly.


Lucah is still in development, but the demo offers a great preview. The harsh, sketchbook art creates world that feels incredibly rough and foreboding. The boss fights are intense, and messing with magical powers is a good time. If you have about 40 minutes to spare, I highly recommend giving it a playthrough.