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A Fascinating Look At How Animation Works

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I love PBS' "Off-Book" mini-documentary series, don't you? The latest entry in the now long-running series looks at animation and motion graphics, with interview subjects John Canemaker, Jesse Thomas, Justin Cone and Julia Pott telling us all about their craft, inspirations, and technique.

That sounds kind of boring. This video is not boring! It's just under seven minutes, and it'll give you a new perspective on animation, something that we are basically surrounded by these days, from video games to web interfaces to commercials to feature films.


Who are you favorite animators? What do you think an early Disney animator would say if he could see the stuff Pixar is coming up with now? Do you envy or not envy the folks who worked on animating the latest Mortal Kombat game?


Feel free to talk about that, or anything else, here or over in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum. Hope your week is off to a great start; have happy chatting.


(Via Laughing Squid)