Video games? Fuggedabout 'em!! This thread strays from the norm, a chance for you to sound off, speak up, catch up and throw down with some off-topic conversation.
If you have the time, go read the first link in the list below. Especially if you're a human being with any semblance of taste who has an appreciation for Goodfellas. You're gonna love it. I'm off to eat Umami Burger! Adieu!
- GQ's awesome behind-the-scenes interviews on Goodfellas - Told entirely through quotes/anecdotes. Fascinating.
- Joaquin Phoenix and Casey Affleck come clean on I'm Still Here - The actor was simply "acting." Phoenix is only Letterman (again) tonight.
- Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gives $100M to schools - Some cynics are probably going to point out this happens right as the scathing The Social Network hits.
- The Situation t-shirt - Have you heard of this Jersey Shore thing?
- Spider-man has a new costume, eh? - It could be worse!