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What Bayonetta Loves More than the Wii U. For Instance, She Loves Her Fancy Outfit.

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Bayonetta is one of the most iconic, memorable characters to appear this console generation. Whether it's her glasses or her bodysuit, she's iconic! No wonder cosplayers love dressing up as her.

And since her debut in 2009, that's exactly what cosplayers have done: Bayonetta often shows up on game and geek events throughout Japan, with cosplayers wielding her dual pistols and wearing her skin tight duds. But the character isn't just a home team favorite.

Here's a look at some, but not all, of the best Bayonetta cosplay from around the globe. The outfits and the accessories are most impressive. But let's try to figure out who pulled off the best Bayo. Might as well bide our time while waiting for Bayonetta 2. It's a Wii U exclusive, you know.


Click the bottom corner of each image to expand to full size.

(Top photo: Eichi Daran/yoru0704/Nebulaluben)




[Eichi Daran]








