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40 Persistent (And Lucky) Fans Will Get To Go To Sony's E3 Conference

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You know how Nintendo is inviting fans to go to Best Buy and try out their E3 games? Well Sony's all, "Eff that, how about you guys just come to our actual E3 press conference?"


In a new post at the PlayStation Blog, Sony has invited fans to come to the LA Memorial Sports Arena next Monday and see the big shindig in person. The catch: Only 40 people will get in.


The info, as follows:

You’re Invited: PlayStation E3 2013 Press Conference

Date: June 10th, 2013
Time: Get there no later than 4:00pm for check in. We can only admit 40 people max, and it’ll be first come, first served.
Location: Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena
3939 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90037
If you want to attend, please form a line along the parking lot next to the restrooms.

Parking: Self parking will be available for any guests who are driving their personal vehicles. Please enter Parking Lot 5 on MLK Boulevard at Hoover and when you arrive please tell the lot attendant that you are attending the Sony Press Event.

Restrictions: You must be at least 21 years old to attend. We will be checking IDs!


This is... I don't know. This could very easily devolve into a Hunger Games-type situation. Bring your bow and arrow, and make sure you line up some good sponsors!

What do you think? You gonna give it a shot? Camp out? Or maybe just kick back and follow along from the comfort of your own home?


As we gear up for next week, check out our full schedule of the E3 press conferences. That's a lot of hype to cram into one day.