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3DS Boob Game Offers More Than Boobs. There's an Awkward Pillow Case, Too.

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When the designer of Senran Kagaura was thinking about what kind of 3D game he wanted to make for the Nintendo 3DS, one thing came to mind. Well, two.

The result is ninja game Senran Kagura. The chief appeal here ain't the ninjas! It's NSFW imagery.


Like most games of its ilk, Senran Kagura has a hug pillow—a reversible one!


Japanese retailer Gamers was offering a special, limited edition one, but it's been snapped up. If you weren't able to procure one, you will have to be satisfied with hugging a regular white pillow case.

「閃乱カグラ 少女達の真影」 ゲーマーズ限定版の裸リボン抱き枕カバー [アキバBlog]

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