I said at the beginning of the year that it felt weird to talk about video games as a right-wing mob stormed the United States capitol building. Sad to say, that feeling hasn’t let up in the last 10 months and change, especially with the news currently dominating today’s headlines.
Kyle Rittenhouse, who traveled across state lines to Kenosha, Wisconsin to allegedly protect a car dealership while activists protested the police shooting of Jacob Blake, shot and killed two men and injured another with an AR-15 assault rifle on August 25. After an 18-day trial, he was just found not guilty on all counts, which included charges of first-degree reckless homicide and first-degree attempted homicide.
I wish I could say this was shocking. We’re all angry and sad and fed up, but one thing I haven’t seen anyone express is surprise. Of course Rittenhouse was going to get off. In a country built from the ground up and still supported by white supremacy, why would our courts hold a living embodiment of those ideals accountable? That simpering little shit, with his crocodile tears and years of celebratory conservative media appearances ahead of him, is who the United States’ entire system of laws and adjudication was established to protect.
If you need a place to vent, somewhere safe you can share the rage and depression that constantly rears its ugly head while we try to navigate this diseased society, do it here. It’s easy to feel alone at times as like these, to dive deep into the bottomless pit and let it consume you from the inside out as the world does everything it can to drive us apart. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Don’t bottle it up. Tell us how you’re feeling. Vent those emotions. Heck, if it makes things easier, talk about your weekend plans or the next video game that’s got you excited. Whatever you need to get off your chest, this is the place to do it. Be well and stay strong.
Correction 11/19/2021 4:21 p.m. ET: An earlier version of this story inaccurately stated that police killed Jacob Blake when in reality he survived his encounter with law enforcement. We apologize for this error.