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After spending years using crappy keyboards that come packed in with computers when you buy them, I finally upgraded. I decided, new place, a new office, a new desk, why not also get a new keyboard. I went with a Logitech G513. It isn’t super big, but it has a ten-key on it and I like that a lot. It also came with a nice wrist pad which I’ve already fallen in love with.
Considering my entire job consists of typing and using a keyboard nearly every day, I should have invested in a new keyboard years ago. But I was cheap. I’m still cheap, but I decided that while I was spending a bunch of money already on the move I would toss a new mechanical keyboard into the cart too. I’m happy I did. The clicks are nice and when I get going on a bigger post my GF says she hears me in the other room when the TV is off. Luckily I can close my office door.
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How’s it going? Upgrade anything lately? Feel like with so many of us stuck at home more, we all need to look into buying new chairs and couches.