Remember Micro Machines, the tiny toy cars pitched by fast-talking pitchman John Moschitta Jr.back in the late ‘80s? Bitmap Books’ Micro But Many: An Unofficial Micro Machines Collection is 400 pages of color photos and history that will ensure you never, ever forget them.
Featuring photographs of more than 1,000 nickel-sized cars, trucks, planes, boats, and more, Micro But Many is the next best thing to having your own Micro Machines collection. At eight inches wide by six inches tall, it’s a relatively compact hardcover tome, as befitting the subject matter. Note the lenticular cover, which shifts between sets of vehicles when you move it about. Not bad for $40, give or take a few pounds.

What’s truly fancy, however, are the photos inside. It’s page after page of gorgeous macro photos of these tiny toy marvels, capturing each subject in exquisite detail. Some cars get full-page spreads, with large images, statistics, and background info.

Other vehicles are grouped together in these gorgeous contact sheet style pages, creating colorful fields of eye candy. Seriously, the photos in this book make me want to eat Micro Machines. It’s probably for the best my modest collection is in storage.

Bitmap Books’ Micro But Many: An Unofficial Micro Machines Collection is a love letter to toys gone by. It’s a wonderfully-constructed volume filled with pages of wheeled plastic nostalgia that takes me back to better days every time I crack it open. Check it out.