Welcome back to another Sunday and Kotaku’s daily open thread. I want to take a moment to talk about patios.
It’s weird to think about, but nearly every house and apartment I have lived in has had a small patio or porch. Even the shitty places still had a small slab of concrete or some crappy wood connected to the front of the house. Currently, my apartment has a nice little fenced-in patio. It’s only about 12 feet by 10 feet, but it’s a nice oasis during these strange and stressful days. A few months back my GF and I bought some new patio chairs and a table and it’s been so nice getting out of the house to eat lunch or have a cup of tea.
If you have a patio and the weather is nice, I totally recommended eating dinner or lunch outside a few times a week. It really does help if you’ve been locked inside for days on end.
Your Daily Simpsons Clip
How’s it going? Go outside at all this weekend? How’re the stores around your place these days?