Today, Bungie announced that Destiny 2 will be getting cross-save across all platforms, allowing players to transfer progression between Google Stadia, Xbox, PC, and PS4. But for the past few weeks, sources say, Bungie didn’t think that last one would happen. In fact, it came together at the last possible minute: One day before the announcement.
Yesterday, Kotaku reported that PS4 cross-save support was “up in the air.” That’s because it still was. At the same time, Bungie was meeting with Sony in preparation for today’s big Destiny 2 announcement, according to three people familiar with what happened. The big question: Would Sony agree to supporting cross-save on PS4? At the last possible minute, Sony said yes, much to the delight of both Bungie developers and PlayStation players who may want to switch platforms.
Until that meeting, most at Bungie believed that they would have to announce otherwise—that cross-save would be supported on the other three platforms, and that they hoped Sony would follow in the near future.
As part of Bungie’s big announcement, the studio said it would no longer be doing PS4-exclusive content, after five years of delivering special maps, weapons, and strikes solely to PlayStation 4 users—a blow to Sony. That, combined with Sony’s traditional reluctance to support cross-play initiatives with its competitors, likely made this a tough sell. (Plus, Google Stadia is a brand new competitor—one Sony hasn’t had to interact with much.)
In the end, however, Sony agreed. We may never know what Bungie had to give up—or, most likely, pay—to make this deal happen, but it sure is good news for just about everyone.