Gundam Versus is an arcade fighting where giant anime mechs demolish one another with building-sized laser swords and blasters and it’s finally coming to North America for the first time on September 29 on PS4.
Bandai Namco announced the news earlier today at Anime Expo 2017. While the series has existed for years in Japanese arcades, Gundam Versus was built from the ground up for console and is the first to make it to the states. The game will focus on 2v2 and 3v3 fights that make it similar to the setup of a For Honor match, except somehow much faster and with anatomically absurd robots instead of medieval warriors.
The combat looks like somewhat of a mess, but nothing that can’t be overcome for fans of the series, mechs, or even just weird, zippy sound effects. The game will have something like 90 different suits (some will be playable while others will show up as NPC assists) from all of your favorite Gundam sub-series.
Fingers crossed it’s better than the Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS-Force spin-off that came to Vita last year.