Today on Highlight Reel we have loads of kills, hammer time, sick rocket mopeds, cowardly uruks, and much more!
Watch the video above or on our Youtube page, then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below.
- Halo 5 - Killtastrophe - (direct submission) zz evil dead zz
- Halo 5 - When Wraiths collide - X Da Bob X
- Destiny - Sticky Dance - RIP_Judeau
- MGS V - D-Dog knows best - smandge
- Battlefront - Boom - Onepiececorp
- Shadow of Mordor - Uruk bails the hunt with his head off - horizoniki
- R6 Siege - Sledge Hammer Time - YoJollyRoger
- R6 Siege - Watch Your Back - (Direct Submission) Baron Von Pleb
- R6 Siege - Nitro Cell kills entire enemy team - Nicky James
- R6 Siege - Rainbow Six Siege Thermite 1v5 Turnaround - Gilthwixt
- R6 Siege - 4 Awesome Clutch Kills - TheKensai
- Just Cause 3 - Moped Mayhem by Slimey1 - Falcon Gaming
- CS: GO - How’s that even legal - Ravenclaw
- COD:BO3 - double headshot through wall - (direct submission) Mr. Nasty
- COD:BO3 - banxy -tehboka
- COD:BO3 - Combat Axe Kills across the Map - Poncho Camacho
- COD:BO3 - kill streak - BrrrIshCold
- Fallout 4 - Magic Bullet - TheRougeX
- Fallout 4 - “Why do these objects keep moving???” - Aryss Ska’Hara
- GTA V - Air braking (GTA5 Glitch) - Max Avigyl
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game, send it to us (with a message confirming that it’s yours!) at