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One Of The Best PC Games Of All Time Is Now Free

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Origin's "On The House" deal, which randomly gives away free PC games, is doing a very good thing today, because it's giving away Wing Commander III. One of the greats.

OK, so it was never that great a game, and especially won't be now, but you don't enjoy Wing Commander III for the flight. You enjoy it for everything else.

Mostly the spectacle of seeing an early-90s C-list (post-Star Wars, pre-Batman Mark Hamill! Biff from Back to the Future! Malcolm McDowell!) stumble their way through a surprisingly decent space opera

Get it, you might love it. And if you don't, it was free, so whatever.

Also: if you feel like you need a box to go with the game, here's an unboxing.

Wing Commander III [Origin]