The studio that made the SOCOM series went kaput in early 2012. Its alumni re-formed into Special Operations Forces Studios and now bring you H-Hour: World's Elite, which as this video shows, is right in their wheelhouse of third-person tactical military shooters.
Womp, womp: Sony has announced that SOCOM 4 and MAG, the two military shooters that never quite managed to become as…
As first reported last week by Kotaku, Zipper Interactive, the studio behind PS3-exclusive shooters like MAG and the …
Zipper Interactive, a first-party Sony studio responsible for the creation of the SOCOM series and PS3 shooter MAG,…
Our previous glimpses at Zipper Interactive's Handheld social shooter focused on Unit 13's firefights and social…
People love Nathan Drake. And it's safe to say that Uncharted: Golden Abyss will be the premiere adventure title…
Here's a look at the upcoming portable from the makers of the SOCOM games. You'll see how the same kind of…
Unit 13 is the new shooter from Zipper Interactive, the studio behind most of the SOCOM games.
Zipper Interactive is bringing the full weight of their shooter expertise to bear on the PlayStation Vita early…
Zipper Interactive has released a new DLC pack for SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals. The "Pro Assault Pack" includes three…
Scuttlebutt has it that the Sony Computer Entertainment studio Zipper Interactive, maker of combat shooters MAG and…
Slinking through shadows solo, tossing bullet casings to distract, hiding bodies: SOCOM 4's few stealth levels…
Players picking up SOCOM 4 for the PlayStation 3 on April 19 get a bonus in the form of early access to the…
War video games let us pretend we're in movies. They may let us pretend we're in actual war, but come on, not really.
SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals is an upcoming tactical shooter for the PS3 that is in multiplayer beta. Want to know a…
Sony gives SOCOM fans a chance to gear up for the new age of motion-controlled shooters with the $150 Full…
SOCOM is a series that's all about cooperation, and in SOCOM 4 Zipper Interactive hands control of cooperative…
When I played SOCOM 4 today, I controlled it with the forthcoming PlayStation 3 Sharpshooter peripheral, a shell…
The new SOCOM is like a lot of other sequels these days. It's changed just enough to worry fans of the older games,…
Perhaps you want to get more use out of that 3D television or your PlayStation Move controller. Perhaps you simply…