During today’s White House press conference the Trump administration’s Coronavirus Task Force response coordinator,…
On Thursday, March 8, the White House will hold a meeting with members of the video game industry to talk about gun…
The White House has finally sent out invitations to the video game industry for a meeting on Thursday, and the ESA says it will attend. “Video games are plainly not the issue: entertainment is distributed and consumed globally, but the US has an exponentially higher level of gun violence than any other nation,” said a… Read more
Twitch announced that they will be hosting a gaming event live from the White House on December 12th. The ‘White…
Magikarp may be one of the weakest monsters in Pokémon Go, but he still managed to briefly control one of the most…
For the last week, Pokémon Go players have been taking part in a secret battle to gain control of the most visible…
Last month, attackers took down the PlayStation Network for several days, embarrassing Sony and leaving tons and…
No Kotaku 'Shop Contest winners post this week. Last week's contest involved a news story about a man dressed in Pokemon garb wandering onto the White House lawn. Now that information has come to light regarding the mental state of the individual in question, I no longer feel the contest's subject matter appropriate.… Read more
What possesses a Pokémon fan to storm the most protexted lawn in the United States of America decked out in…
The White House has turned down a popular petition to begin construction on a Death Star in fairly hilarious fashion.
As writer John Hodgman once said, President Obama is America's first modern nerd President. He's a huge Trekkie and…
A Tennessee man kicked off a White House petition on Thanksgiving urging the President of the United States to ban T…
The line between gaming and reality blurs as the President and members of his security team watch the hunt for Osama…
President Barack Obama's administration seems video game friendly, Entertainment Software Administration president M…
EA's Boom Blox Bash Party is out and people are already making levels for download featuring famous stuff to wreck.