Pour one out for Death's Door, snubbed for eternity at TGA 2021
The Yakuza series has contained playable Sega minigames for a while now, from Outrun to Virtua On, but folks digging…
Bayonetta. Virtua Fighter 5. Vanquish. These are all Sega games that must receive PC ports, according to a petition…
Fighting games featuring characters from other fighting games or completely different genre games is nothing new.…
Sega keeps Virtua Fighter alive (in Japan at least) with yet another update to the seminal 3D fighting game. What…
Sega is letting the Virtua Fighter faithful update their friends and foes on their fighting game accomplishments,…
It's still March 31 by the official Kotaku calendar, but it's April Fools' Day in Japan, something you should take…
Update your Virtua Fighter 5R petitions—specifically this one—fighting game fans, because Sega has one more…
The Xbox 360 Games On Demand options expand by two, as Microsoft has added brawler Virtua Fighter 5 and footballer FI…
As seen on Sega's official Japanese Virtua Fighter 5 web site via UK:R.
Now that the New Xbox Experience has been globally launched, it's time to brace for the impact. Outside of a few erro…
Xbox Japan has announced three more titles joining its budget "Platinum Collection" line: Armored Core for Answer, Ki…