Many games are about escapism. Allowing the player to escape from their boring or shitty life and experience…
On Thursday, March 8, the White House will hold a meeting with members of the video game industry to talk about gun…
The White House today said that President Donald Trump will meet with executives from the video game industry to…
Earlier this week, a student at Lake Park High School in the suburbs of Chicago was arrested for threatening to…
Today during a meeting on school safety at the White House, U.S. President Donald Trump suggested that violent video…
During an interview yesterday on a talk radio program, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin said violent video games are…
Do violent video games make people more aggressive? Politicians and pundits have been asking that question for years…
I have two stand-out Election Day video game memories. One involves Fable II. The other involves a highlight of my…
After this thing the other week here’s some actual science proving actual things. Specifically: “’immoral’ virtual…

Today on The Singularity Watch: A computer program that can scan the Internet for multiple arguments on a…
Back in mid-2012, for four minutes and six seconds, I thought the coolest big-budget video game I'd seen in years…
The principal and the teachers all had it out for him, Jacob said. A likely story, but he does admit to a…

After the Sandy Hook school massacre last year, Antwand Pearman of GamerFitNation organized a "cease fire" day during which gamers avoided first-person shooters and other violent games. Today is the second Cease-Fire, a statement against gun violence and supporting victims of it. The Cease-Fire lasts to midnight.
Yesterday, we sought to list all of the video games investigators found in the home of Adam Lanza, the shooter who…
If Adam Lanza—the shooter responsible for last year's Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre—had a video gaming…
Any time a high-profile act of violence happens, some media pundits are quick to blame video games for influencing…

Man, I don't have kids (that I know of) and I'm dawwwwwing all over this PSA that the ESRB just put out. It's a…
I don't know where to begin with this, but it's hilarious. The state's attorney for a southern Chicago suburb on…