Microsoft’s gorgeous British countryside racer Forza Horizon 4 is coming to Steam on March 9, the company announced…
Following negative player feedback, Turn 10 Studios plans to make Forza Motorsport 7's VIP program a great deal again. An update is in the works that will replace five-time use double credit “mod cards” with the always-on double race rewards of earlier games.
Forza Motorsport 6's $20 VIP upgrade gave players exclusive cars, special online events and, best of all, double…
Winter is coming to Forza Horizon 3. Developer Turn 10 slipped a teaser image for the first expansion into a post on Xbox Wire. The currently unnamed addition is slated for release before the end of the year.

Forza 5 launched with some nasty microtransactions, made more upsetting by the fact that people already spent $60…
While Microsoft has done away with its "daily check-in" requirement for the Xbox One, that's not the end of strange…

Here's the problem with these next-gen consoles, and driving games in particular: as good as this Forza 5 trailer…

There are no adequate words in the English language to describe how bad I am at racing games. "Laughably untalented"…

Despite the fact you can't drive it in the game, Forza 4 includes a Warthog from the Halo series, viewable in the…
I love it when games are inspired by games that are nothing like them. Take sports games, and how they're up to…

Look, you might be considering spending $60 on this fall's Forza Motorsport 4, if you're a racing fan and you've…
Microsoft has announced that a demo for upcoming racer Forza 4 will be released on the Xbox Live Marketplace on…

Not content with throwing some Kinect support into Forza 4, Microsoft is also releasing a wireless,…

The people over at Turn 10 Studios give us another sneak peak into how and why Forza Motorsport 4's tracks are…