What started as a concept artist fooling around becomes reality later this month, when Fat Princess update 1.06…
Patch 1.03 hits the PlayStation Network today for Fat Princess, bringing a new map called New Pork. Also, there's…
Not to whine about the hand that feeds me, but I was bummed out about not having any screens of Fat Princess: Fist…
Fat Princess is soon to get a little fuller in the content department, with developers Titan Studio announcing at…
What could possibly be missing from Titan Studios' multiplayer online PlayStation Network game, Fat Princess? Oh…
While we're waiting on a patch to fix some of the known issues with Fat Princess, the developer is placating us with …
Kidnap the princess. The sometimes fat, sometimes thin princess. Fat Princess is a new take on the multiplayer…
Fat Princess is great fun, but also - at least at the moment - a pain to play over the PSN, courtesy of some choppy…
Hats will fly this Thursday afternoon, when Titan Studios' Fat Princess finally waddles her way onto the…
If there was ever anything you wanted to know about Fat Princess — aside from her exact dress size — now's the time…
Hateful toward the portly and excessively violent though it may be, PlayStation Network exclusive real-time strategy…
Titan Studios' PlayStation 3 game Fat Princess has already riled up the more sensitive of the internet's residents…