Today on Highlight Reel we have exploding cows, breakdancing gangsters, broken robots and much more!
Today on Highlight Reel we have exploding cows, breakdancing gangsters, broken robots and much more!
Battleborn has eight story missions available to play either alone or with a group online. I have completed six. The…
The servers that support the mostly-offline video game The Saboteur are scheduled to go offline tomorrow. With that…
With a rating of 12+ on Apple's App Store, Hands-On Mobile's iPhone take on EA's The Saboteur promises more Nazi…
The Saboteur's PC version had big problems out of the box - something like 9 out of 10 ATI-equipped systems couldn't…
The Saboteur is the story of an Irishman living in the back of a burlesque house helping liberate World War II…
Totilo thought The Saboteur was a little rough on PlayStation 3. Lucky. He could have been playing it on PC with an…
Look closely and you'll see that man is kissing that woman with a cigarette in his mouth, as seen in the occasionally…
What seemed great on paper — a World War II game like nothing else, with sophisticated artistry to boot — had to be…
What with all the talk of nudity, I'd kind of lost track of the fact that The Saboteur has a plot-heavy story with…
The Saboteur, EA's game about aiding the French resistance against the Nazis, has optional in-game nudity, but only…
It's not just in-game lady parts that have been censored in Pandemic's Saboteur. Some out-of-game lady parts have…
The Saboteur might be in France, but its maximum-strength difficulty is all Irish, reflecting the nationality of its…
Such are the vagaries of clean living. EA's upcoming game, The Saboteur offers free in-game nudity via downloadable…
Pandemic Studios, scene of deep job losses and the effective closure of the studio earlier this week, pumped out one…
Is it too soon for referential Hindenburg humor? I can never tell.
Totilo declared the art style of The Saboteur a winner in his recent preview of the game, and I'm inclined to agree.…
The build I played of The Saboteur this week was a month old, so if I had fun and was impressed, what does that mean?
While I was playing an early PlayStation 3 version of EA's December World War II game, The Saboteur, yesterday, I…