Clearly not busy enough with Titanfall 2, the developers at Respawn are working with EA on a new Star Wars game,…
Sony has confirmed to IGN that Stig Asmussen no longer works at Sony Santa Monica. Known by the gamer community as just "Stig," Asmussen served increasingly important roles in the development of the first three core God of War games.
In December it was revealed that God of War series star Kratos would be entering the ring in this year's Mortal…
We've heard that God of War III had a pretty involved postscript that had to be trimmed from the game. The game's…
God of War III director Stig Asmussen joined hosts Brian Crecente and Stephen Totilo on Kotaku Talk Radio today,…
What is considered out of bounds for the God of War series? It's not violence, as players will decapitate and…
Sony's highly anticipated end to the God of War trilogy won't attempt to shoehorn in some sort of multiplayer…
The PSP version of Soulcalibur IV, known as Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, continues the long-running tradition of…