Someone is a spy and you need to take them out. There’s only thirty seconds left for them to bug the ambassador and…
Earlier this week, Chasm, the years-in-development action-adventure platformer inspired by games like Super Castlevan…
It’s been nearly a decade since designer Chris Hecker announced the subterfuge multiplayer game SpyParty, and it’s…
In most multiplayer video games, you’re on equal footing with your opponents. You’re on the same map, with the same…
Game designer Chris Hecker, best known for his long-in-development game SpyParty and for his consistently insightful…
I really enjoyed Tales From The Borderlands, but one bit, especially, struck me. As Fiona, cold-hearted con artist…
Not just one old person. A few of them. Not just one shade of brown person but lighter and darker tones. Not just…
Hey, it's a trailer for SpyParty! We're big fans of the long-in-development two-player game SpyParty, but we've never been able to show you a trailer, because there hasn't been a trailer. Now there is. Enjoy. And/or go play the in-development game now for $15. No release date for the finished thing yet.
I think we've all been there: You're hanging out at a cocktail party when a man standing next to you is shot by a…
We've been following asymmetrical multiplayer game Spy Party for years. We've been wondering for nearly as long…
Beautiful place for a headshot, no? And players won’t need to worry about staining the handsome furnishings after…
When SpyParty creator Chris Hecker says he wants his tense, psychological espionage simulation to be the most…
SpyParty, the excellent asymmetrical multiplayer game we've been raving about for years, is finally going into open beta. Go sign up! $15. Read more
"This needs to be a subtle art style to go with a subtle game," Chris Hecker told me during our latest conversation…
Two of the most talented and fiercely independent video game creators I've ever met are joining us today, right…
We've been optimistic about SpyParty, the long-in-the-making competitive multiplayer game that pits one player as…
The Evo Champtionship Series is a hardcore, competitive gaming gathering dedicated to the purest fighting games. Stre…
Why are so many games just copies of past games? Who is responsible for this state of affairs? Does the industry…
I've been impressed with SpyParty since the day I first played it, but soon you'll no longer have to take my word…
Chris Hecker, who strikes me as not the kind of man who enjoys going to parties, spends a lot of time thinking about…