So my yesterday went something like this. “Oh, hey, Dirty Bomb is in open beta! Nobody is talking about this game,…
How to confuse the hell out of potential fans of an upcoming video game: change its name twice during development.
Dirty Bomb, the free-to-play shooter coming soon from the makers of Brink, has changed its name to Extraction and…

Following up on last month's trailer, here's a look at some pre-alpha multiplayer gameplay from Dirty Bomb. The…

Via VG247, here's a first look at Dirty Bomb, an upcoming PC first-person shooter from Splash Damage, the…
Editor's Note: The mysterious person known as Superannuation shows up every two weeks like a new paycheck, if you…

The folks behind Brink pull back on the action but throttle up the style with Rad Soldiers, a turn-based…
Laurel D. Austin does some great work. Employed for years at Splash Damage, the team behind Brink, she's recently…
The game may've met with a lukewarm reception when it hit last year, but the one thing that Splash Damage's Brink…
A major report on British developers from IndustryGamers has thown up a surprising piece of information: that Brink…
The battle for The Ark spills over into the underwater Labs facility and Founders' Tower on August 3, when the free …
The developers at Splash Damage and Bethesda have confirmed that the first DLC for Brink will be free, as promised.…
Brink closes its checkered launch week with news of free DLC and promises it's fixing the crippling lag in its…
Oh those silly console gamers. They couldn't possibly handle the advanced PC gaming concepts like objective-based…
So, Brink is out. And it's divisive! Some people appreciate the new things it's trying to do, others lament the fact…
I knew I was going to have a hard time deciding whether Brink was any good. I still can't say it is.
In Splash Damage's Brink, rival factions do battle over the fate of a post-apocalyptic floating city called The…