The might warriors circle each other warily, keen eyes searching for the slightest chink in their foe's armor. The…
Not the full game of course, but the tower defense mobile version of the Xbox 360 game.

Namco brings the sequel to the original role-puzzling game to the iPhone, and while Puzzle Quest 2's engaging…
I got to spend a half hour this morning with Puzzle Quest 2, the sequel to a game I found so addicting that I'd…
The eagerly anticipated follow-up to the game that launched the puzzle-RPG genre, Puzzle Quest, will be playable at…
If you're the kind of person who didn't think a DS game could even have loading time issues, then you're a person…
In spring 2010, D3Publisher unleashes the only cure for Puzzle Quest addiction on the Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS - Puz…
Shrugging off the disappointment that was Galactrix, Australia's Infinite Interactive are now hardat work on a true…