It's payback time for all that leap gate hacking, as the developers of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix take on all comers…
The release of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix on Xbox Live Arcade has been a longer time coming than expected. But it…
The Xbox Live Arcade version of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix sees the light of day next week, with the PlayStation…
Infinite Interactive takes its innovative mix of role-playing and puzzle games to the stars with Puzzle Quest:…
Next week we'll be able to choose between three different flavors of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, with the game hitting …
D3 is throwing a party for Los Angeles Puzzle Quest fans and you might be invited.
Today we get a look at the 14 factions for humans and aliens in upcoming puzzle role-playing game Galactrix.
PC Puzzle Quest fans who'd rather have a disc on hand for the upcoming space-aged sequel, Puzzle Quest Galactrix,…
D3’s Dorks, Dealers and Double-Ds event made much of Galactrix, even if they did designate it as the “dork” portion…
Man, if only NASA were really like Puzzle Quest – I’d so have signed up for space camp.
If the flash demo of D3publisher's upcoming space-age Puzzle Quest follow-up wasn't enough for you, head over to…
Gamers eager for a taste of the gameplay in D3Publisher's futuristic take on Puzzle Quest can now do so, with a…
Now that the holiday rush has officially died down, it’s time to get back to business – the business of game…
At this year's E3, D3 Publisher had several offerings to show off, ranging from kiddie show spin offs and more…
Galactrix, Puzzle Quest's sci-fi spin-off, looks to be a pretty impressive step-up from the original Puzzle Quest:…
After announcing that they're bringing the bikini-clad, cowboy hat-wearing, zombie shooting Onechanbara to North…