The HTC Vive is now $599, receiving its first official price drop since the virtual reality headset launched last year at $799. That puts the Vive at $100 more than the Rift/Touch combo, though the latter is current on sale for a limited time for $399. (Updated with latest Rift pricing)
Starting today, Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Wii Sports Resort are just $29.99 each. That's the value equivalent of paying $10 for a non-first-party Wii game. Imagine how cheap they'll be when the Wii U's successor has been out for almost a year!
When Nintendo dropped the price of the 3DS mere months after its release in 2011, it offered a mollifying…
Now that they've got regular content updates in the bag, ArenaNet hopes to bring more players to its subscription-free MMO Guild Wars 2 by lowering the cost of entry to $49.99 for the regular edition and $69.99 for the digital deluxe. Hooray, $10 off.
Nintendo's Selects line of $19.99 Wii titles expands by two next month, when Mario Power Tennis joins the…
One of the best values in gaming gets even better on May 20, when Nintendo drops the price of the DSi to $99.99,…
This week's PlayStation 3 price drop leaves one question in the minds of gamers that have been avoiding Sony's…
Nintendo announced today that it is cutting the price of its popular Wii home game machine from $200 to $150.
We were expecting Nintendo to (perhaps) slash the price of its current console next month. But we may see a cheaper…
Harmonix and publishing partner EA today announced that the third and best installment of the Rock Band series is…
New PSPs will cost $129.99 starting on Sunday, February 27, according to a Sony press release issued this morning.…
Starting Sept. 12 Nintendo will be dropping the price of the DSi to $150 and the price of the DSi XL to $170. The…
With the announcement of the new Xbox 360, older models are dropping price by 50 bucks, according to an internal…
Atlus' eagerly anticipated surgical simulator Trauma Team for the Nintendo Wii is coming on May 18, and rather than…
An anonymous tipster sends us this picture of an alleged Target circular for the week of September 27th, joining…
Last week, we got a peek at an alleged upcoming Walmart ad that indicated an official price drop would be coming to…
Advance retail listings forwarded to Kotaku indicate that Nintendo is planning to issue its first price drop on the…
Microsoft's priciest version of the Xbox 360 is getting a $100 price drop this Friday, the publisher told Kotaku,…
We've been getting a lot of snapshots of Xbox 360 price drop ads lately, and of course there's also the truism that…
Blitz Arcade is pricing their downloadable puzzle game Droplitz to move, with both the Steam and iPhone versions of…