Don't you worry, Evolution Studios plans to keep the end of the world going on for as long as possible.
At this year's E3 expo, Sony unveiled the PlayStation 3's "official 3D Display," a stereoscopic 3D package that…
Disaster racer MotorStorm Apocalypse's rolling out has been a...disaster. The game features buildings falling down,…
Motorstorm: Apocalypse is a fun, frenetic rolling tour through a world torn asunder by natural devastation.
Since its origins as a PlayStation 3 concept video, Motorstorm has always been known as a series with great…
After pausing to pay its respects to victims of Japan's earthquake crisis, the latest Motorstorm races to store…
After missing its original April 12 release date due to issues stemming from the tragic earthquake in Japan last…
This is natural disaster as roller coaster ride.
After being delayed everywhere else, can't say we didn't see this one coming. PlayStation 3 disaster racer Motorstorm…
Upcoming racer MotorStorm Apocalypse features buildings falling down. Which led to a delayed release in…
MotorStorm Apocalypse was delayed in New Zealand because of the country's earthquake. Then it was delayed in Japan…
MotorStorm: Apocalypse is an upcoming racing game that features buildings falling down all around you. In the wake…
The box art for MotorStorm: Apocalypse, which got its release date earlier today. U.S. is on the left, Europe's on…
The apocalyptic fourth entry in Evolution Studios' off-road racing series is only three months away, as Sony tags…
That means what happens in previous races will carry through to the next, which sounds like something of a linear…
Why is it whenever there's an apocalyptic race there always seem to be conveniently crumbling skyscrapers upon which…
The folks putting out the party-at-the-end-of-the-world racer MotorStorm: Apocalypse revealed another course with…
As I crossed the finish line after my fifth run through the latest Motorstorm Apocalypse track in 3D, I raised my…
It took more than 100 years for the notion of 3D film-making to prove itself with the 2009 release of smash hit…