There’s been a lot of drama surrounding the Confederate Flag of late, some of it even game-related. Now there’s a game from designer/academic Paolo Pedercini that lets you boo the controversial pennant until it burns. You can find it here. Read more
Last year, we stared the downside to living in the future straight in the face.

The developers of Prison Architect have read our guest writer Paolo Pedercini's tough critique of their game.…
A flash game called Tax Evaders, designed with the help of Molleindustria's Paolo Pedercini, is probably the most…
When it comes to the increasing scapegoating that says video games cause mass shootings, game-makers haven't had a…

It makes a weird sort of sense that Paolo Pedercini would hate on the modern era of sports games. The man behind…
Today's Play This features the flash game we covered yesterday that puts you in the shoes of a UAV pilot. From…
No modern-day military practice comes under more fire than unmanned aerial vehicle attacks. Bombing by UAV gets…
Molleindustria's critical protest game Phone Story was designed to achieve two ends: to raise consumer awareness of…
Molleindustria's anti-smartphone game Phone Story caused quite a stir yesterday when it was pulled from the Apple…

Earlier today, we reported that Apple had pulled Molleindustria's iPhone game Phone Story from the app store. The…
The new iPhone game Phone Story hits awfully close to home—the game concerns itself with the real-world costs of…

Previously featured Flash game-like thing Every Day The Same Dream, a delightfully depressing drudgery simulator,…