This week marks my third anniversary with Kotaku, spending all of that as the site's weekend editor. On my third…
Adult Japanese computer games tend to feature young women. Not all of them do, though. Why here is one that…
You thought that soundtrack slip cover was something?
Multiple models in skimpy clothes say "I am Bayonetta" — much like that "I am Tiger Woods" ad from a few years back.
Crossing one more game off the Things To Be Moe-fied list is this doujin tribute to Team ICO's PlayStation 2 classic…
Panty shots of video game characters? Like the rising sun, inevitable, and we've seen them before. But what about…
Every year has its moments suitable for framing. Here, our look back at 2009 presents the ones meant for stuffing…
Love Plus is a popular DS dating sim from Konami — in Japan, it's the sleeper hit of the year or something! The…
There are two versions of action game NieR: NieR Gestalt for the Xbox 360 and NieR Replicant for the PS3. But what's…
It's like clockwork. Anytime a big game is released — no, anytime a game is released in Japan, some people decide to…
It's a mystery, but not! The released art for PSP game Misshitsu Sacrifice from Japanese publisher D3 appears to…
This actually could be a first. Comic erotic game W.L.O. Sekai Renai Kikou (World Love Organization) was released…
You want boobs? Upcoming PSP game Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos has boobs. You don't want others to see you want…
Sure, you can get pictures of Warcraft. And sure, you can get nekkid pictures of Adrianne Curry. But now, through…
Do you know what today is? Why, it's bring your slave gladiator girl to work day — or as it's commonly know…
Unabashedly 18-years-old-and-up PC game Lots of Mothers!! features just that — lots of mothers. The limited edition…

Sure, DSi has been been used by discerning individuals to do discerning things since it was released. Likewise,…
Erotic game "Real Kanojo" ("Real Girlfriend") has widescreen, 3-D and even webcam face tracking. That is, if you…
Remember the great Tokyo Game Show underboob cover-up? Sure you do! That bikini cosplay for PSP title Kentoushi:…

There are traditional selling points for erotic games. You know, things like boobs and boobs and also boobs. "Real…