Here's the topdown view of one of the maps that's coming soon to Titanfall as part of a DLC map pack called Expedition. This one's called War Games, designed after the tutorial mission simulator from the game. Read more

Here's a trailer for the next Halo 4 map pack, Castle, which releases April 8.
"Shangri-La" is the new zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops, and it is far from paradise, as that anthropomorphic…
A tipster sends along that picture of that GameStop poster, advertising Call of Duty: Black Ops' third map pack,…
Team Fortress 2 brightens your day with a title update that brings three community maps to the game, including an…

Zip-lines, collapsing ice bridges and auto-turrets are all coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer next…

Two new maps were served up today over the free (to retail buyers) VIP service for Battlefield: Bad Company 2. VIP…
Folks who spent up to $100 for War for Cybertron preorder codes on eBay are going to kick themselves, as a listing…
Modern Warfare 2's five-map, fifteen-dollar "Stimulus Package" will arrive for both PS3 and PC in North America on…
At $3 per map, it was fair to ask what else you get for your money with the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package. The…
We're still five days away from the release of the first Modern Warfare 2 map pack for the Xbox 360, so you might…
An early listing of the Modern Warfare 2 "Stimulus Package" on the Xbox Live Marketplace web site reveals it is…
The four multiplayer maps released in Aliens vs. Predator's Special Edition will be available to the general public…
Acknowledging that as many as 20 million (of its 25 million players) "no longer [derive] pleasure from blowing up…
Patch 1.6, which includes Map Pack 3 for PC, deploys next week. This time I am going to get his name right and…
Anyone out there still playing Frontlines: Fuel of War? Yes you, in the back. This post is for you then. THQ would…
Sierra Entertainment is looking to give TimeShift players a boost today as they announce the availability of the…