The second this story went live, at midnight EST, January 30, the lights went out on LEGO Universe, a…
There was a lot of hype for the ill-fated LEGO Universe. Mostly because it was an MMO using LEGO, but also because…
Despite a strong brand name, positive early buzz, and the implementation of a new free-to-play model back in…
Bright, colorful, and charming, the massively multiplayer LEGO Universe has attracted droves of players willing to…
When LEGO Universe launched in October of last year it was a breath of fresh air in the stale MMO market. Putting an…
LEGOs are like a fine wine, they get better with age. But also like fine wine the finest LEGOs can get pretty…
An open letter to my fellow developers and gamers who follow the industry.
The founders of NetDevil left their Colorado-based studio recently to kick off another game developer start-up. END…
NetDevil's toy-based massively-multiplayer LEGO Universe gets its largest dose of product placement-littered new…
After a brief vacation delay, we're back with the final entry in our four-part LEGO Universe MMO log. We'll keep…
This week's installment of our four-part LEGO Universe MMO Log begins with the death of RumbleWarpWhistle and the…
Starbase 3001 is open for business in the LEGO Universe, giving players access to three new mini-worlds created by…
Having exhausted a majority of the questing content during my first week playing LEGO Universe, I dedicated my…
Join me as I take the first steps in a four-week journey into the colorful candy world of NetDevil's LEGO Universe.
When the text-heavy fantasy worlds of multi-user dungeons first invaded the mainframes of Essex University and the…
There's a lot I like about LEGO Universe including the ability to make your own mini-figs to use as avatars.
Working on a massively multiplayer online computer game seems akin to mining for gold.
The building blocks of the LEGO Universe community fall into place as NetDevil's toy-based MMO opens two weeks…
Panasonic's recently unveiled portable massively multiplayer online gaming platform won't be a success, can't be a…
I spent yesterday hanging out at NetDevil with Tristan checking out their soon-to-be-released massively multiplayer…