I am jumping headfirst into Wattam, the newest Keita Takahashi game! Tune in and join me in the chat.

Paul and I are playing Katamari Damacy REROLL for the Nintendo Switch right now on Twitch. Is the song already stuck in your head? It definitely is in mine. lalalalalalaalalala
I have never been a victim of the dreaded “motion sickness” while playing a video game, but Katamari Damacy Reroll ha…
Katamari Damacy Rerolled is out in the world, gracing your Switches, and we need to figure out where that damn ball…

While there’s no recapturing the weird and wonderful feeling of playing Katamari Damacy for the first time, this…
Today, Katamari Damacy is one of Bandai Namco’s most beloved series, but when its creator Keita Takahashi was trying…
The Nintendo Switch continues to be a powerhouse console for ports. From Final Fantasy to Katamari Damacy, here’s…
![Ah, Hello, Prince: <i>Katamari Damacy</i> Is Coming To The Switch [Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/kbhwskkftuduxgv7unrp.jpg)
Here we are. Earth. Full of things as usual. One of those things will be Katamari Damacy on the Nintendo Switch.

There’s nothing like a fresh katamari. First 4 Figures is kicking off a new line of Katamari Damacy statues the same…

You may have heard there’s a new Katamari Damacy game on both iOS and Android. There is! It’s called Tap My Katamari.…

Get a bunch of your friends together. Eat some food. Poop out a new buddy. Then, blow them all up in a giant…

Zeurel and Octopimp's short animation—which is just as good as the original cutscenes—about the first Katamari…

Grab the kids, and run. Because there's a new king of the beach. Or should I say, Prince?

Oh man, I hope you're prepared for something super confusing and artsy, because this video sure as hell is that.

In Donut County you play as a sentient hole in the ground that gets larger and larger as it consumes all things in…

Rap nerds and video game nerds have a lot in common. So whenever the two overlap thanks to the magic of the…