The pop icon and movie star shared a teaser image of her Fortnite character model, now we know all the juicy deets
Sure, we were all here for the Assassin’s Creed news, but there were some other cool things to take note of as well
In response to a complaint about Just Dance 2019’s Kids mode on the Switch mixing in songs that require a monthly…
When Littlesiha’s Twitch viewers tune in to her Just Dance streams, they’re usually greeted by an infectious smile…
It is the year 2018 and Ubisoft is releasing Just Dance for the Wii.
Just Dance has a new World Cup champion, and it’s not who anyone thought it would be. Somehow breezing past stiff…
Armed robbery is a violent crime; with priors, you're looking at a really long stretch in the state pen if you get…
Here’s the trailer for Just Dance 4, the latest entry in Ubisoft’s makes-so-much-money-it’s-silly rhythm franchise. It’s coming to all next-gen platforms later this year.
A new Just Dance game, called Just Dance 2014, has leaked ahead of an expected announcement by Ubisoft at their E3…
Gangnam Style will be DLC for Just Dance 4... for "all motion sensor platforms in November 2012," according to Ubisoft.
Given how they can often result in fence-sitting games that specialise in AAA blandness, gamers are right to be…
I knew that dance games, like Ubisoft's Just Dance series, took an extraordinary amount of motion capture and…
I never realized how dangerous some of these dance moves look to be until Conan took it upon himself to review Just…
Here's Ubisoft's Just Dance 4, shown off at Nintendo's press briefing during E3 today.
It's true. Ubisoft's Just Dance 4, out this October for Wii, Xbox Kinect, and PlayStation Move, will feature Carly…
Well now we know where one of those 25 million copies of Ubisoft's Just Dance games ended up: In Britney Spears'…
Go ahead, snicker and titter just like you do when you pass a display of Ubisoft's dancing franchise games at Target…
Somewhere inside the Beltway today, copies of Just Dance 3 for the Wii and The Sims Plus Pets rode in a presidential…
The Just Dance series is the kind of red-hot gaming franchise that can pull in a guest character like Nintendo's…
The Los Angeles Times has taken a look at the October NPD numbers, which show that dancing games like Just Dance 3…