GlaDOS, the artificially intelligent computer system from Portal, is one of the greatest video game villains of all…
If you head on over to iTunes and check out Glee's version of Baby Got Back, you'll find a swarm of unhappy reviews…
Unable to get any satisfaction from Glee, 20th Century Fox Television, or its lawyers, Jonathan Coulton has put his…
Songwriter Jonathan Coulton has posted an update on his personal blog in which he says Fox is unrepentant after…
Last week, a recording surfaced of the cast of Glee performing a slowed-down arrangement of Sir Mix-A-Lot's 90s…
Glee made its name on enthusiastic unoriginality. The hit TV show, in which high school teens sing syrupy-sweet…
Not a headline you were probably expecting to see in 2012, since the song wore out its welcome just as 2008 was…
The song (a cover of Jonathan Coulton's now-infamous "Still Alive") is well done, too. Don't turn it off after the…
If Portal taught me anything, it's that any machine possessing even the most rudimentary degree of artificial…
It's our singular honor to be the first to present two live cuts from the massively talented, massively bearded…
Need a reason to learn how to play the electric guitar? YouTube musician FamilyJules7X demonstrates how well mad…
Plants Vs. Zombies songstress Laura Shigihara was so impressed by Jonathan Coulton's ending theme "Want You Gone"…
Haven't finished Portal 2 yet? Go on and listen to the game's ending tune. Do it.
We now know how to make a Justin Bieber song sound good: slow it down 800%. But what happens when Portal's Still…
Relive this weekend's PAX concerts next week in Rock Band, with a triple dose of Freezepop and a three-pack of PAX…
The latest batch of downloadable songs for Rock Band Unplugged for the PSP includes the stirring love anthem "Still…
It's late, I'm tired and the last thing I really want to hear right now is a Theremin solo by Freezepop – but since…