The AVN Adult Entertainment Expo is the other big show in Vegas this weekend. At a CES 2010 panel debate, porn…
So what exactly does pornographic film star Ron Jeremy have to do with classic fairytales, violent 3D action and…
About the only thing I didn't find in my elaborate collector's edition of Fairytale Fights that I expected to find…
Playlogic is so pleased that people are buying Fairytale Fights that they're giving away free DLC for the first 90…

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I heard three porn stars shot a promo video for Fairytale Fights. It…
Playlogic has released an Achievement/Trophy list for the upcoming Fairytale Fights and that "Kill 1000 Kids" one we…
A Playlogic representative has confirmed that the Ron Jeremy images we came across yesterday (no semen joke…
While you won't see any penises in Playlogic's upcoming Fairytale Fights, you can get an eyeful of certain other…
I also wanted a longer look at the giants' table level. The level interested me the first time I saw it, but some…
Well, that "Kill 1,000 Children" Achievement might be gone, but the M-rated gore-fest that is Playlogic's Fairytale…
That will be our story for today, dear readers, how rewarding players for killing 1,000 child characters in Fairytale…
We've told you all we can about Fairytale Fights for the time being — but don't let that stop you from ogling these…
Not since that Matt Damon/Heath Ledger flick have I seen such an abusive interpretation of classic fairytales. And I…
Don't worry, the latest new character for Fairytale Fights isn't always a naked man with a sword. Sometimes he has…
Today I sat down with the developer for a hands-on demo of Fairytale Fights. My actual preview is embargoed until…
Fairytale Fights is a hack'n'slash adventure where players take the role of famous fairytale characters to stab,…
Why simply explore the beloved fairytales of your childhood when you can carve a bloody path through them in…