DeathSmiles is a horizontal shmup from bullet hell developer Cave. It's not my favorite Cave title by any stretch,…

Cave's bullet hell shooters aren't exactly the types of games many players don't even like to play with control…
Releasing on May 17, Christmas-themed nightmare shmup Deathsmiles IIX is U.S. bound. The upgraded version of the…

Little girls. In frilly dresses. Shooting things. Yep, you're about to read a DeathSmiles review.
As if Xbox 360 gothic-lolita shmup Deathsmiles could get any more attractive, publisher Aksys reveals the…
The top-selling shoot-em up of this console generation is coming to North America, as Aksys Games announces a U.S.…
DeathSmiles is a Gothic Lolita-themed bullet hell shooter from developer Cave. These are DeathSmiles underpants,…
Cave, the Japanese developer behind such shmup classics as Mushihime-sama Futari, recently announced a revolutionary…
DEATHSMILES! The game sold 20,000 copies in Japan during its first week on sale. This is the first traditional…
Cave is having its gothic Lolita arcade shooter DeathSmiles ported to the Xbox 360. The game's out this month on…
The game will be out April 23 in The Land of the Rising Sun. As we previously posted, there's also a limited edition…
There's an article on Cave's maniac petticoat shooter DeathSmiles. According to's adversity1,…
Here's more reason for ghoulish smiles. At this year's arcade show AOU, the sequel for Lolita maniac shooter DeathSmi…
Xbox 360 port of Cave's Lolita arcade shooter has finally gotten a release date. It is April 23. Hooray!
Developer Cave's horizontal shoot 'em up arcade title DeathSmiles is getting a sequel. It's called, you'll never…
More details about the Xbox 360 port of Cave shmup Death Smiles has been released. We have those details. Good for…
Cave's side-scrolling loligoth shooter Deathsmiles — which I lovingly credit-fed at a Shibuya arcade last week — is…