Gamasutra's postmortem of City of Heroes and Paragon Studios says the MMO's development staff did everything it…
More than eight years old, City of Heroes says goodbye tonight. In five hours—at 3 a.m. EST Saturday—NCsoft will…
Seven years ago today, NCsoft and Cryptic Studios released City of Heroes, providing fantasy-gorged massively…
This April brings another free update to NCsoft's City of Heroes, Issue 17: Dark Mirror, bringing with it graphical…
The heroes are much more heroic and the villains exponentially more vile with the release of City of Heroes Issue:…
For those in the know, Positron's post on the City of Heroes forums yesterday tips off a hugebigimportant…
As the Issue 14: Architect update for City of Heroes draws closer to release, NCsoft drops new information and…
Former City of Heroes and City of Villains players are cordially invited back for a free weekend in order to check…
City of Heroes introduces new ways to build up your superhero persona as NCsoft launches their latest free update,…
The City of Heroes Issue 13: Architect was too big for one update, so they've split it up! This is really just a…